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| const double ZERO = 1e-10;
struct Point { double x, y; Point(int ts, int ty) { x = ts; y = ty; } Point(double ts,double ty) { x = ts; y = ty; } Point(){ x = y = 0; } double dist(Point a) { return sqrt((a.x-x)*(a.x-x) + (a.y-y)*(a.y-y)); } bool operator == (const Point &that) const { return abs(x - that.x) < ZERO && abs(y - that.y) < ZERO; } bool operator < (const Point &that) const { if (abs(x - that.x) < ZERO) return y - that.y < ZERO; return x - that.x < ZERO; }
Point midpoint(Point a, Point b) { return Point((a.x+b.x)/2, (a.y+b.y)/2); }
struct Vector { double x, y; Vector() { x = y = 0; } Vector(double tx, double ty) { x = tx; y = ty; } Vector(Point a, Point b) { x = b.x - a.x; y = b.y - a.y; }
Vector getsenkrecht() { return Vector(y, -x); } bool operator == (const Vector &that) const { return std::abs(x - that.x) < ZERO && std::abs(y - that.y) < ZERO; }
double operator * (const Vector &that) { return x*that.x + y*that.y; }
bool senkrecht(Vector that) { return std::abs(*this * that) < ZERO; }
double abs() { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
double operator ^ (const Vector &that) { return x*that.y - y*that.x; } double pankel(Vector that) { Vector ts(x,y); return acos(ts*that / (ts.abs()*that.abs())); } double ankel(Vector that) { if ((*this ^ that ) < ZERO) return -acos((*this ^ that ) / (this->abs()*that.abs())); return acos((*this ^ that ) / (this->abs()*that.abs())); } bool parallel(Vector that) { if(y*that.x*1.0 == x*that.y*1.0 ) return true; return false; }
bool diffside(Vector that) { return x*that.x <= ZERO && y*that.y <= ZERO; }
bool anticlockwise(Vector that) { double ret = (*this ^ that); if (std::abs(ret) < ZERO) return !(x*that.x <= ZERO && y*that.y <= ZERO); return ret > ZERO; } };
struct Line { Point s; Vector v; Line(Point a, Point b) { s = a; v = Vector(a, b); } Line(Point ta, Vector tv) { s = ta; v = tv; } bool iscross(Line b) { if (v.parallel(b.v)) return false; return true; } double dist(Point a) { Vector vb(s, a); double ank = v.pankel(vb); return vb.abs()*sin(ank); } Point cross(Line b) { double x0 = s.x, y0 = s.y; double x0p = b.s.x, y0p = b.s.y; double xa = v.x, ya = v.y; double xb = b.v.x, yb = b.v.y; double _s; if (yb == 0) { _s = (y0p-y0)/ya; return Point(x0 + _s*xa, y0 + _s*ya); } _s = (x0-x0p + (y0p-y0)*xb/yb)/(ya*xb/yb - xa); return Point(x0 + _s*xa, y0 + _s*ya); }
bool islie(Point a) { double _l = v.y*(a.x - s.x); double _r = v.x*(a.y - s.y); return std::abs(_l - _r) < ZERO; } };
struct Segment { Point s; Vector v; Point st, ed; Segment() {s = st = ed = Point(); v = Vector(); } Segment(Point a, Point b) { s = st = a; ed = b; v = Vector(a, b); } bool iscross(Line b) { Line a(s,v); if (!a.iscross(b)) return false; Point c = a.cross(b); if (c == st || c == ed) return true; double k; if (b.v.x == 0) k = (c.y - b.s.y) / b.v.y; else k = (c.x - b.s.x) / b.v.x; if (k < 0) return false; double k1,k2; if (v.x == 0) { k1 = (c.y - st.y) / v.y; k2 = (c.y - ed.y) / v.y; } else { k1 = (c.x - st.x) / v.x; k2 = (c.x - ed.x) / v.x; } if (k1*k2 > 0) return false; else return true; }
bool islie(Point a) { if (!Line(s, v).islie(a)) return false; if (a == ed || a == st) return true; if (Vector(a,st).diffside(Vector(a,ed))) return true; return false; } }; bool segcross(Segment a, Segment b) { if (max(a.st.x,a.ed.x) < min(b.st.x, b.ed.x)) return false; if (max(a.st.y,a.ed.y) < min(b.st.y, b.ed.y)) return false; if (max(b.st.x,b.ed.x) < min(a.st.x, a.ed.x)) return false; if (max(b.st.y,b.ed.y) < min(a.st.y, a.ed.y)) return false; if ( (Vector(a.st, b.st) ^ b.v ) * (Vector(a.ed, b.st) ^ b.v) < ZERO && (Vector(b.st, a.st) ^ a.v ) * (Vector(b.ed, a.st) ^ a.v) < ZERO ) return true; return false; }